$000|2-Dark Colony $fff|1-Previewed by D!ck... $012 Remember Dune II? Warcraft II? Command & Conquer? Dark Colony is pretty much like all of the above, it's an overhead strategy sim that takes place on Mars, you command a base and have to defend it against the greys, build up your forces, allocate resources on research and developement, and eventually attack and defeat the greys in your area, just like all of the above games. Only better... This type of game just seems to get better and better, and Dark Colony enters the genre right at the top of the tree, the graphics are all Super VGA and the sound it awesome, the gameplay is wonderfully easy but the missions a themselves bloody hard, so far it all looks perfectly ballanced and is set to be a winner. We tested an Alpha version, it is far from complete but allows you to play the first mission so you can get a feel for the game, there are a few serous problems in it with regards to the stability of the engine, but as it's an aplha you can hardly moan at it. Your weapons are all pretty much believable earth-style-machines-of- mass-destruction, there are Exploiters which are for parking over a power source (these erupt on the planet surface), Reapers which look suspiciously like the Ed209, a Barrager which is the equivalent of a heavy tank and so on. The Greys, however, use genetically engineered creatures (they must be, the alternative is unthinkable!) as weapons: Atrils are waddling beasts the size of a house that spawn and hurl missiles at you, Syth Demons look like something from Aliens and the Prozaar is a giant maggot which feeds from the energy sources, all very bizarre indeed. These excellent graphics are accompanied by crystal clear sound effects, the whole impression is that of a movie where you can see everything that is going on, and hear it too, even me (ol' deaf-head). It looks to be a corker of a game, one that I will definitely be buying on release, play a demo as soon as you can! Dick